Private Health Services Regulatory Council

Ministry of Health

How To Register at PHSRC

Things to do at Private Institute Level

Application Form together with Instruction sheet should be obtained from Secretariat of Private Health Services Regulatory Council or Directorate of Private Health Sector Development or all Provincial Directorates of Health Services. Application Form together with Instruction sheet also could be downloaded from PHSRC website ( several PDHS websites (,, ) and Association of Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes website ( ) and
The amount of fee stipulated on the instruction sheet according to the category of institution obtained either remitted to Bank of Ceylon Current Account No: 6390455 at Regent Street Branch or a Bank Draft should be issued in favor of the same account. Paying through Bank Cheques are not encouraged to avoid possible delays during the procedures.
Completed application form should be forwarded to the respective Provincial Director of Health Services (PDHS) for his or her recommendation together with relevant documents. It should be attached with either original "Bank Remittance Slip" or" Bank Draft "as the proof of payment of relevant registration fee.

Things to do at PDHS level

PDHS will scrutinize and perused the application together with the relevant documents for completeness and accuracy. PDHS might do the inspection and report by way of a Check List depending on the situation.
PDHS will inform the institute the necessary things to do if requirements are not fulfilled and criteria for standards are not met and get them corrected
Once the requirements are fulfilled and identified standards are satisfied, PDHS recommends and forwards the application to PHSRC together with all relevant documents and either original “Bank Remittance Slip” or “Bank Draft”.

Things to do at PHSRC level

Once they are received by PHSRC, the amount remitted to the particular bank account is entered in to the “Cash Book” of PHSRC and a “Receipt” is issued to the institute in the prescribed Government Format by Manager Operations.
Following the entry into the Cask Book is made, the concerned details of the institute are entered into the PHSRC Private Medical Institute Data Base and stated as “applied” for the concerned year by Management Assistant.
If all the documents are in order Management Assistant fills the Internal Check list maintained at PHSRC forwards to the Manager Operations for verification. Manager /Operation confirms them for Secretary’s recommendation.
If there are deficiencies encountered to be fulfilled by Institute they will be intimated by way of a letter from Secretory /PHSRC. Furthermore they will be intimated through a telephone call as well.
If all the documents are in order, several categories of institute’s applications are directly recommends by Secretory /PHSRC on the confirmation of Manager /Operations and submit for approval of the Council at its monthly meeting. Those categories are “Full time General Practices, Part time General Practices, Full time Dental Practices, Part time Dental Practices, Full time Specialist Medical Practices and Part time Specialist Medical Practices “
If all the documents are in order, several categories of institute’s applications are submitted to the “Registration Application Evaluation Committee” of PHSRC with recommendation of Secretory /PHSRC on the confirmation of Manager /Operations. The members of “Registration Application Evaluation Committee” scrutinize all the documents for accuracy and if they are satisfied with them the application is recommended for approval of PHSRC at its monthly meeting. If any short comings are encountered they will be rectified by informing the institute or PDHS as appropriate and would be approved subsequently once they are rectified. Those categories are “ Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Medical Centers, Medical Laboratories, Ambulance Services, and Other Medical Institutes including Home Nursing Care Services , Medical Manpower Training Institute ect”
Once they are approved by the Council the status of the institute is modified as “registered” at PHSRC Private Medical Institute Data Base for the concerned year by Management Assistant .
Simultaneously the “Registration Certificate” according to the category of institute for the concerned year is written and submitted for due signatures namely the signature of Secretory /PHSRC, Provincial Director Of Health Services and Chairman /PHSRC. PHSRC Sticker and Embossed Seal is fixed to the “Registration Certificate
Original “Registration Certificate” is handed over to the respective PDHS while a photocopy is retained at PHSRC Secretariat for distribution
In addition, the “Recognition Board” is also be prepared accordingly with signature of PDHS and handed over to PDHS for distribution

(No registration certificate is being kept without handing over till the recognition board is being prepared)

Things to do at PDHS level

17. Provincial Directorate of Health Services makes arrangements to distribute the “Registration Certificate” and “Recognition Board” to the respective institute.

Things to do at Private Institute Level

18. Private Medical Institute places the “Registration Certificate” and “Recognition Board” in a place evident to whoever who wants to see them including service seekers, service providers, shareholders, insurance companies health administrators, donors, political leaders ect



  • Private Health Services Regulatory Council
  • No. 2A, CBM House, 4th Floor, Lake Drive,
  • Colombo 08.
  • +94 011 2672 911 / 2672 912
  • +94 011 2672 913
  • [email protected]